Chronicles of a High Guy Vol 1 Chapter 1
"Big Girls Don't Cry
Nothing breaks my heart more than to see a girl cry especially a beautiful one. So imagine how I felt when the saw the girl who a lot of the guys consider to be the baddest girl at Post (right now) crying. Sure it may have been for a stupid reason like.....(crying because upset that you've drank to the point where you're throwing up and you're embarrassed)...but she was crying none the less and she was vulnerable and it just broke my heart. I don't know why, but I have tended to view girls as being these precious thing that needed to be taken care of be made happy so to see one unhappy it bothers me because they don't deserve to be feeling that way"
Growing up is hard to do
New Passion......Ultimate Betrayal
Okay we're gonna move away from my usual self-loathing posts to something a bit more serious and not all me, me, all about me. We're gonna talk about cheating and why it happens. Honestly the thought of cheating sickens me and I truly dislike people who do it. So I want to understand why it happens. By cheating you do know I mean infidelity right? If you're going to commit your heart to someone why would you do something as idiotic as cheat on them. If you truly feel the need to cheat on them why don't you just break up with them instead because they're apparently lacking something you want or not giving you something you need. One site says "Statistically speaking, men cheat for a single primary reason: sex". The site then goes on to say that it is a the biological urge of men to "spread their seed" that drives them. In the case of marriages & committed couple men sex tends to become routine or mechanical. Not an adventure as it once was, but simply as a means to an end. And so they seek that adventure, that adrenaline rush, with another woman (or women). As you would guess it's a lot more complicated for women than just sex. According to the site most women don't cheat for the sake sex but rather it is a secondary concern to them. Apparently when it comes to women you have to look at the emotional aspect rather than the physical aspect of cheating. They will carry on emotional affairs...where they'll fall in love and experience emotional intimacy with a men, while never taking it to the physical level. It's these type of affairs that can continue on for years, without ever being detected, and often leaving a wake of destruction in their path. So basically if a man isn't giving them the attention they want they go and find it somewhere else. Honestly I feel that this makes men look like the bad guys. I feel that this is saying that men cheat and are also responsible for women cheating but sadly it makes sense. First I'll tackle the mens' side then the womens'. Okay, I understand that it is a biological instinct to spread our seed that drives us but we are not animals but we have certain parts of our personality called the ego and superego which separates us from the animals and controls our animalistic needs. There are other biological factors that affect other animals but we can control why can't the need to spread our seeds and dominate be one of them. If you find that sex is becoming a routine why don't you communicate with your partner and spice it up a lil, do something different for once that isn't part of your routine so it feels new and you don't feel the need to get that brand new feeling from someone else. Now I find the woman's aspect of cheating to be easier to tackle. COMMUNICATION!!!!!!! If you feel your partner is not giving you the attention you need then communicate that fact to then. maybe they don't notice that or maybe they have a lot going on with themselves but communication is key. If he's still not giving you the attention you need then drop the dude and find someone who will appreciate you and what you have to offer rather than cheat on him. If he is giving you attention but it's still not satisfying you then maybe you need to re-evaluate yourself. All in all cheating does not need to happen and we owe it to ourselves and our partners to see that it ends.
Letter to Ms. R apparently miss Right
A Purpose....
Blank Slate
The Real Life Hitch
This is me then....
Food-Mac n Cheese
Book-Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
Drink-Iced Tea (The Haitian kind with Vanilla Extract in it)
Athlete-Kobe Bryant
Sport- To watch Basketball, To participate in Track
Track & Field Event- 400m
Quote- "Nothing is impossible, Just hard to get"
Earliest Memory - First Day of school, Don't remember anything before then
Greatest Triumph - Getting The RA Position
Biggest Tragedy - Fathers Death
First thing that attracts me to a girl: Her Smile, Then her Eyes
Favorite Passtime - Surfing the internet, Read Comics(Yes I do that, this is my Cartoons)
Favorite Superhero - Bart Allen aka Impulse aka Kid Flash aka Flash no. 4
Favorite Song - At the moment "Can You Stand the Rain" by New Edition
Excerpt from my Autobiography (yes I know, a lot to read)
Life to me means friends and family who you can trust and who trusts you. I don’t really fully trust anyone because I feel most people have let me down or let me down except for my mother and that prevents me from getting close to or being able to open up fully to anyone. Whenever I completely put my faith in someone to help me accomplish a task they don’t always come through for me and cause of that I have learned to rely on myself more and more but I still long to find someone, possibly a significant other in which I can put all my trust because I feel not being able to trust anyone is doing more harm to me than good. I’m basically content in life. I’m not sad but I’m also not over the top happy. I feel very thankful for the friends that I have and I have a lot of friends but at the same time I still feel alone and misunderstood.
My greatest fear is the basic idea of death because I fear that once you’re dead then that’s it. There is no afterlife such as heaven or hell and there’s just nothing as in you cease to exist. I know death is natural and we have no control over it but the idea that when it’s over it’s just over scares me and at times prevents me from looking ahead to the future because I feel I’m just another step closer to the inevitable but I refuse to let my fear prevent me from living in the present like I’d love to get a motorcycle or even go skydiving sometime in the near future because while I fear death I live to make more experiences for myself. I don’t fray away from taking risks because I believe with great risk comes even greater rewards. I guess in a way you can say my greatest fear is of the unknown because I have no idea what comes after the end.
Another fear of mine is the fear of failure and living in regret. When I start something for the most part I tend to finish it because otherwise it starts to eat at me. Even if I have to fight the odds I make sure it gets done. To not finish something that I start is like a major hit in the gut and it just bothers until I get it done. I just tell myself whatever is keeping me from accomplishing the task is all in my head and can completely be overcome if I put my mind to it. I truly believe that anything and I mean anything in life is possible but is just hard to get. Knowing that nothing is impossible puts more possibilities in your reach. I don’t let anything discourage me from the ultimate prize.
My greatest desire in life is to travel the world and visit places such as Paris, Barcelona, and Rome. The idea of being free to travel the world and experience new and different cultures has always interested me. I also want the freedom that traveling brings. I want to be able to see historical landmarks, interact with people who’s customs are completely different from my own and experience the nightlife that these places have to offer. I’ve even considered moving to France because I’ve always been fascinated by the country. Who knows, someday I just might but I know for sure I’m going to visit it sometime in the next five years.
Another desire of mine is to have my own family. I feel that I want a family to have people that rely on me and that I can come through for the way my father came through for my family. At the same time I can rely on them too but I will hold off on the idea of a family until I am stable enough to support one. I want to give them everything my parents gave me as well as the things my parents couldn’t give me. At the same time I am going to be a little more lenient with them because though I am proud of the way my parents raised me they are accustomed to different things growing up in Haiti than growing up in America because of that they have been more strict than most parents born in America are. I will raise my kids with some of the ideals I was raised with but will at the same time incorporate my own experiences growing up in America.
Five years from now I see myself still in school. Either I’ll be in graduate school or in medical school. I’m either going to be studying to be a psychiatrist or an anesthesiologist if the medical school thing works out I want to make the most I possibly can out of myself and I believe that advancing my education as far as I possibly can aid me in that endeavor. I also see myself married in five years. Ten years from now I see myself either with a PhD and possibly the head supervisor at whatever laboratory I’m working at or finishing off my residency and one more step towards my medical license.
I believe my greatest triumph is being where I am today. I’m a High School graduate; I am a junior Biomedical Science major at Long Island University’s CW Post campus and one more step towards being a doctor. I’m a Resident Assistant, a member of the NAACP, and the Vice President of Black Students United. I’m trying to be as involved as possible on campus because like I said earlier I want to make the most out of myself and go as far as I can possibly go. I want to be a senator on the student government association, a member of the E-board for my school’s chapter of the NAACP, and I want to write a comic book column for my schools newspaper. I hope that by doing all this that when I reach that point in my life I’ll be able to look back on my past and feel like I accomplished something and made a difference.
11 Things Guys Don’t Understand About Women

Men always say they don’t “get” the female sex, but what specifically—besides their going to the restroom in groups—don’t they comprehend? We found out.
1. Why, oh, why, can’t you create a single, central location for your hair ties and bobby pins?!? And why is there one on the handle of the microwave?
2. Why are women so afraid of bugs but can regularly pour hot wax on their bodies and rip hair out by its roots?
3. Girls and drama! My God, it’s like an episode of Dawson’s Creek! He said, she said…it goes on and on for years. Do you ever get over an argument?
4. I am confused enough about why the onslaught of hormones every month, like clockwork, still takes me by surprise (the next day when she gets her period, I’m like, Oh! We got into a fight because she was hormonal!), but why does that fact take her by surprise? Shouldn’t she kind of realize it and be like, ‘Don’t listen to me—I’m hormonal’?
5. I don’t get why getting married so soon is so important to most women. Is love not enough?
6. Why all the shoes? Really, my sister has suitcases full of shoes that I’ve thrown aside more often than she’s even seen them. It boggles the mind!
7. I don’t understand their attitudes! Everything is good for, like, the first three months, but after that, it’s a whole different ball game!
8. I don’t get why girls say one thing and mean something different. Like when they say, ‘You can watch the game,’ and then when you do, you get in trouble.
9. What I don’t understand is why girls really, really, really want that nice guy, but once they find one, they can’t date him because now they need a jerk.
10. Why do girls not like other girls when they first meet them? It’s as if they have to prove themselves to each other before they’ll consider them acceptable to hang out with.
11. I don’t understand why women can’t just speak more directly. They always want you to do something, but they don’t put it in words. Instead, they talk around the issue. I wish they were more up front and just said it!
How Well Do I Understand Women
What is the first thing women look for in a man is stability
For a typical romantic night out with her guy, a girl would most like dinner outside and a walk along the river
Women are most worried about the way they present themselves
That in a relationship a woman starts to trusting a guy when he becomes a best friend.
In a desparate situation where only one of these can be carried in her handbag, she will choose a small mirror
Women prefer to get married to men who are strong, stable, and are good providers
The one thing most women can't do without is a make-up kit
On a first date, you must never tell her how much you love her
The one trait, women most envy in a man is their status in society
If a Woman really likes you, she will send you suttle glances and smiles to let you know she likes you
If a group of Married women got together they most talk about their intimate love lives
Women feels happiest when their partner supports their decisions
Most women are happiest between the age of 20-30
A woman really feels like a woman she falls deeply in love
In bed, the most important thing a woman wants is closeness with their partner
I got the concepts down, so what am I missing? Maybe it's how I use what I know?
Girls Ain't Nothing But Trouble.
Unrequited Affection
You'd think I'd learn my lesson, not to go back to or chase after girls that have rejected you. Why do I continue you to cling to hope that maybe things might change. I need to understand that she turned you down once and that's her loss. There are better and more appreciating girls out there. I been stuck on this one girl on and off for almost a year now and I really need to let her go or else the damage is gonna be beyond repair. I just continue to this; hold on and refuse to move forward. If she doesn't appreciate who I am the first time around what are the chances that she'll learn. I'm missing out on so many opportunities by holding on. I should just continue to be that good friend and and find that girl who appreciates a good man. So why do we keep holding on when we know that it's not gonna work out?
Light Chocolate V.S. Dark Chocolate
Birthdate Deciding Personality
Aries - (March 21 - April 19) Freedom-loving, assertive, individualistic, pioneering, leader, action-oriented, fiery, straightforward, passionate, powerful. Can be extreme, arrogant, intemperate, violent, headstrong, impulsive.
Taurus - (April 20 - May 20) Resourceful, thorough, devoted, patient, sensual, affectionate, cautious, musical, artistic, solid, earthy, strong, sturdy, kind. Can be slow, possessive, boring, stubborn, indulgent.
Gemini - (May 21 - June 20) Logical, inquisitive, lively, active, curious, multi-tasking, talkative, sociable, charismatic, generous, duality, mercurial, whimsical. Can be superficial, fickle, inconstant, restless, impulsive, headstrong, stubborn.
Cancer - (June 21 - July 22) Protective, sensitive, tenacious, family and home oriented, helpful, nurturing, watery, emotional, loving. Can be crabby, clinging, moody, worrying, pessimistic.
Leo - (July 23 - August 22) Generous, proud, theatrical, passionate, sunny, bright, kingly, powerful, loves attention, dramatic, independent, noble, creative, leader. Can be arrogant, bossy, boastful, egotistic, snobbish.
Virgo - (August 23 - September 22) Practical, imaginative, creative, efficient, critical, work and service oriented, common sense, modest, health conscious, mentally active, helpful, flexible. Can be pedantic, fussy, over-critical, worrying, over fastidious.
Libra - (September 23 - October 23) Co-operative, diplomatic, urbane, fair, needs partnerships, refined, balanced, graceful, charming, debative, just, open-minded, social. Can be lazy, indecisive, rationalizing.
Scorpio - (October 24 - November 22) Passionate, secretive, powerful, keenly perceptive, deep, leader, complex, analytical, inquisitive, resourceful, magnetic, intense, hypnotic, sexual, perspicacious, creative, vigorous, untameable, ambitious. Can be jealous, controlling, possessive, deceitful, cruel, arrogant, selfish.
Sagittarius - (November 23 - December 21) Freedom loving, straightforward, relaxed, extrovert, philosophical, intellectual, fun-loving, adventurous, expansive, optimistic. Can be blundering, scattered, careless, too-serious, arrogant, tactless.
Capricorn - (December 22 - January 19) Prudent, cautious, patient, methodical, practical, reserved, ambitious, authoritative, competent. Can be saturnine, suspicious, rigid, cunning, over-cautious, pessimistic.
Aquarius - (January 20 - February 19) Intuitive, unconventional, intellectual, egliaterian, detached, friendship oriented, independent, humanitarian, cause-oriented, believes in the group/society, progressive, sophisticated, trend setting,opinionated, devoted to goals. Can be eccentric, elitist, dogmatic, aloof.
Pisces - (February 20 - March 20) Imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, feeling, idealistic, spiritual, accepting, undiscriminating, creative, mystic, self-sacrificing, artistic. Can be impractical, neglectful, escapist, lazy, distracted.
Nice Guy Complex
Nice guys don't get many dates, because they feel more comfortable going out with a woman who already expresses an interest in them. There's any number of nice guys in the world, and most of them are content to be that way. However, some nice guys develop a psychological defense mechanism about their lack of dates, and this is the beginning of the nice guy complex.
A man suffering the nice guy complex begins by looking around and seeing everyone else going out with more women than he is. (Often they get this idea from television rather than their friends.) He concludes that this is only because he's a nice guy, and he doesn't prey on women aggressively like everyone else obviously does. After all, doesn't everyone know nice guys finish last?
In reality, he may not be expressing his interests in those women to whom he's attracted, or he may be so focused on one particular woman that he refuses to consider other women at all. Perhaps he's not really the nice guy he thinks he is, and all the other women are put off by the personality they see in him. Or perhaps he's simply dull and boring. ("No way, not me”)
It's this gradual obsession with the guy's own niceness being the reason he's unattached that creates the nice guy complex. This may become harmful, if the nice guy allows his ego to become inflated over how nice he really is, thus making him "not-so-nice-after-all".
Whether it does or doesn't, though, it's generally crippling to the guy's social life. The guy believes he has no redeeming qualities that would attract women, other than his own niceness. Eventually he may stop trying to be attractive at all, either in looks, interests, or attitude, thinking that niceness ought to be enough, and "Shouldn't a woman love me just for who I am?"
The best treatment for the nice guy complex is self-improvement. An exercise program, art classes, dance lessons, or learning to cook are all great beginnings. The idea is to develop something that will help the guy be proud of himself, so that he doesn't have to dwell on his niceness as his primary redeeming feature. The idea is to progress from being merely a nice guy into an actual gentleman.
The irony, of course, is that developing any of these talents may attract a woman to him who will tell him, some day, that the thing she always loved about him is what a nice guy he is. Guys, don't believe her if this happens. All women love nice guys, but that's the last thing she really learns about you; what impressed her is the way you could dance or possibly the way you draw.
Domestic Abuse is a No-No, Rih Rih V.S. Chris Breezy
So as everyone knows Chris Brown "allegedly", beat down his girlfriend Rihanna. Personally I hope they rape his ass in prison due to my personal dislike of Chris Brown but I'm even more angered at that my dude went in on her. Okay if she was attacking him and he got a few hits in to chill her out okay but he seriously went in. And then we find out that this isn't the first time. That's he's been beating her for some time. She is so stupid for going back to him. Plus they're engaged. Even Oprah says she neeeds to leave him. You know when Oprah opens her mouth it's serious. Personally I have never lifted my hand to a woman I was not related to mostly because I havent been put int hat situation because I respect women too much. The only reason Chris Brown would ahve had to go in like that is if the Herpes rumor was true. Then I'd just be surprised he didn't kill her. But anywhoo, 1 in 4 women are victims of domestic abuse at some point in their life. ANd the problem is that these women are not reporting it, or continue to stay in relationships with their abusers. Abuse victims will leave out of either fear, anger or resentment, But then, after the fear, anger or resentment begins to subside, they feel guilt, shame, anxiety, and that takes them back. After a violent episode the abuser goes through the I'm sorry, I love you, it'll never happen again stage and most of the time the women are quick to take them back possibly out of fear of independent, don't know how to take care of themselves or don't want to face shame from friends and family. But please ladies, don't let any man put their hands on you no matter how much they say they love you, If that were true then they would not touch you in such a manner. One kick is all you need to take them down and leave their ass forever.
Secret Admirer

Boy meets Girl. Boy and girl are from completely different world. Boy asks girl out anyway. Boy and girl fall in love. Girls parents don't approve of relationship. Boy and girl have huge fight. Girl leaves. Boy and girl can't stop thinking about eachother but continue to live their lives. Girl meets someone new but still can't get Boy out of head so heads back to get closer. Boy and girl argue again. Boy and girl have hot passionate sex. Girl can't believe she made that mistake. Girl leaves tries to move on with new guy but can't move on because she still loves boy. So she heads back and they live happily ever after.
But of course we live in the real world where most guys are dicks, most girls think that nice guys don't exist so they go out with the dicks thinking that they can convert them. Nice guys are left out in the cold because the girls don't know what they want when all along the guy they've been looking for has been next to them the whole time.
Song of The Moment: Secret Admirer - Pitbull featuring lloyd
Girl you should know that
(girl you should know)
I've got you on my mind
Your secret admirer
Girl I've been watchin you (you, you)
Can't get enough of (you, you)
Can't get enough of (you, you)
Can't get enough of you
At night I think of you
I want to be your lover baby
So if you need some love,
give me a call boo
I can be the one, to come and freak you
Girl on the brain

Okay, typical Edride: I look into her eyes, she smiles, and I'm trapped. Why am i such a sucker for nice eyes, and a cute smile. Uggggghhh, I hate myself. So I'm on that I like someone tip again. I thought she was cute when I first saw here and then she smiled at me and I was hooked. I jsut love this girls personality. It's jsut so random and amazing. I wanna pull out all the stops but I don't wanna be in the same boat I'm always in. uuuggghhhhh, damn you girlz. But anywho yeah, like i said cute smile, nice eyes, random personality, nice body, and when we dance OMG I'm in love (lol, let me stop). But really this girl is a TTP as far as I'm concerned. "SO many people think they got it but they don't have a clue you gotta have more than just a body for me to be talking bout you" (TTP - Usher). I don't know how to take the approach on this one. I'm tired of being hurt and being alone. I can't change my nice boy ways. This is who I am but not what girls want. Why must they be so complicated.