Clearing My Mind

If I don't let it out I'm just gonna scream!!!!!

This is me then....

Most people don't understand who I am because I have trouble letting people in so this is me giving random facts about myself



Food-Mac n Cheese

Book-Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince

Drink-Iced Tea (The Haitian kind with Vanilla Extract in it)



Athlete-Kobe Bryant

Sport- To watch Basketball, To participate in Track

Track & Field Event- 400m

Quote- "Nothing is impossible, Just hard to get"

Earliest Memory - First Day of school, Don't remember anything before then

Greatest Triumph - Getting The RA Position

Biggest Tragedy - Fathers Death

First thing that attracts me to a girl: Her Smile, Then her Eyes

Favorite Passtime - Surfing the internet, Read Comics(Yes I do that, this is my Cartoons)

Favorite Superhero - Bart Allen aka Impulse aka Kid Flash aka Flash no. 4

Favorite Song - At the moment "Can You Stand the Rain" by New Edition

Excerpt from my Autobiography (yes I know, a lot to read)

Life to me means friends and family who you can trust and who trusts you. I don’t really fully trust anyone because I feel most people have let me down or let me down except for my mother and that prevents me from getting close to or being able to open up fully to anyone. Whenever I completely put my faith in someone to help me accomplish a task they don’t always come through for me and cause of that I have learned to rely on myself more and more but I still long to find someone, possibly a significant other in which I can put all my trust because I feel not being able to trust anyone is doing more harm to me than good. I’m basically content in life. I’m not sad but I’m also not over the top happy. I feel very thankful for the friends that I have and I have a lot of friends but at the same time I still feel alone and misunderstood.

My greatest fear is the basic idea of death because I fear that once you’re dead then that’s it. There is no afterlife such as heaven or hell and there’s just nothing as in you cease to exist. I know death is natural and we have no control over it but the idea that when it’s over it’s just over scares me and at times prevents me from looking ahead to the future because I feel I’m just another step closer to the inevitable but I refuse to let my fear prevent me from living in the present like I’d love to get a motorcycle or even go skydiving sometime in the near future because while I fear death I live to make more experiences for myself. I don’t fray away from taking risks because I believe with great risk comes even greater rewards. I guess in a way you can say my greatest fear is of the unknown because I have no idea what comes after the end.

Another fear of mine is the fear of failure and living in regret. When I start something for the most part I tend to finish it because otherwise it starts to eat at me. Even if I have to fight the odds I make sure it gets done. To not finish something that I start is like a major hit in the gut and it just bothers until I get it done. I just tell myself whatever is keeping me from accomplishing the task is all in my head and can completely be overcome if I put my mind to it. I truly believe that anything and I mean anything in life is possible but is just hard to get. Knowing that nothing is impossible puts more possibilities in your reach. I don’t let anything discourage me from the ultimate prize.

My greatest desire in life is to travel the world and visit places such as Paris, Barcelona, and Rome. The idea of being free to travel the world and experience new and different cultures has always interested me. I also want the freedom that traveling brings. I want to be able to see historical landmarks, interact with people who’s customs are completely different from my own and experience the nightlife that these places have to offer. I’ve even considered moving to France because I’ve always been fascinated by the country. Who knows, someday I just might but I know for sure I’m going to visit it sometime in the next five years.

Another desire of mine is to have my own family. I feel that I want a family to have people that rely on me and that I can come through for the way my father came through for my family. At the same time I can rely on them too but I will hold off on the idea of a family until I am stable enough to support one. I want to give them everything my parents gave me as well as the things my parents couldn’t give me. At the same time I am going to be a little more lenient with them because though I am proud of the way my parents raised me they are accustomed to different things growing up in Haiti than growing up in America because of that they have been more strict than most parents born in America are. I will raise my kids with some of the ideals I was raised with but will at the same time incorporate my own experiences growing up in America.

Five years from now I see myself still in school. Either I’ll be in graduate school or in medical school. I’m either going to be studying to be a psychiatrist or an anesthesiologist if the medical school thing works out I want to make the most I possibly can out of myself and I believe that advancing my education as far as I possibly can aid me in that endeavor. I also see myself married in five years. Ten years from now I see myself either with a PhD and possibly the head supervisor at whatever laboratory I’m working at or finishing off my residency and one more step towards my medical license.

I believe my greatest triumph is being where I am today. I’m a High School graduate; I am a junior Biomedical Science major at Long Island University’s CW Post campus and one more step towards being a doctor. I’m a Resident Assistant, a member of the NAACP, and the Vice President of Black Students United. I’m trying to be as involved as possible on campus because like I said earlier I want to make the most out of myself and go as far as I can possibly go. I want to be a senator on the student government association, a member of the E-board for my school’s chapter of the NAACP, and I want to write a comic book column for my schools newspaper. I hope that by doing all this that when I reach that point in my life I’ll be able to look back on my past and feel like I accomplished something and made a difference.

The reason I want to become a doctor is not because of the money because there are so many other jobs that require less work and get more money but rather to make a difference because I enjoy helping others. I’m always there to give advice and assist any of my friends when they’re in trouble, I give blood every opportunity I can, I donate money all the time, and I even managed to get one of my old history teachers on “Help Me Howard” so he could find a live Kidney donor because of the difference he made and my life. I don’t help others for the recognition but rather for the satisfaction of knowing that I made a difference. At the end of the day that’s what I’d like to look back and realize. I wish that everyone would feel that way about helping others.


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