Clearing My Mind

If I don't let it out I'm just gonna scream!!!!!

How Well Do I Understand Women

Your Result: Excellent!! (100%)

You've Got to be Kidding Me!! Either you're an expert
on the field of Women, or you've cheated!! Or else, you
might just be a women who has taken the quiz to see if
it's really authentic! Whatever it is, Congratulations....
You're an Expert on the most difficult topic on earth....
I understand that:

What is the first thing women look for in a man is stability

For a typical romantic night out with her guy, a girl would most like dinner outside and a walk along the river

Women are most worried about the way they present themselves

That in a relationship a woman starts to trusting a guy when he becomes a best friend.

In a desparate situation where only one of these can be carried in her handbag, she will choose a small mirror

Women prefer to get married to men who are strong, stable, and are good providers

The one thing most women can't do without is a make-up kit

On a first date, you must never tell her how much you love her

The one trait, women most envy in a man is their status in society

If a Woman really likes you, she will send you suttle glances and smiles to let you know she likes you

If a group of Married women got together they most talk about their intimate love lives

Women feels happiest when their partner supports their decisions

Most women are happiest between the age of 20-30

A woman really feels like a woman she falls deeply in love

In bed, the most important thing a woman wants is closeness with their partner

I got the concepts down, so what am I missing? Maybe it's how I use what I know?


first of all most of that stuff is a load of crap. i think guys should stop trying to figure out women and just take it one day at a time. you'll eventually learn everything you need to know about a woman. and you've also got to realize that every woman is different so you really can't figure out women.


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