Clearing My Mind

If I don't let it out I'm just gonna scream!!!!!


Okay we're gonna move away from my usual self-loathing posts to something a bit more serious and not all me, me, all about me. We're gonna talk about cheating and why it happens. Honestly the thought of cheating sickens me and I truly dislike people who do it. So I want to understand why it happens. By cheating you do know I mean infidelity right? If you're going to commit your heart to someone why would you do something as idiotic as cheat on them. If you truly feel the need to cheat on them why don't you just break up with them instead because they're apparently lacking something you want or not giving you something you need. One site says "Statistically speaking, men cheat for a single primary reason: sex". The site then goes on to say that it is a the biological urge of men to "spread their seed" that drives them. In the case of marriages & committed couple men sex tends to become routine or mechanical. Not an adventure as it once was, but simply as a means to an end. And so they seek that adventure, that adrenaline rush, with another woman (or women). As you would guess it's a lot more complicated for women than just sex. According to the site most women don't cheat for the sake sex but rather it is a secondary concern to them. Apparently when it comes to women you have to look at the emotional aspect rather than the physical aspect of cheating. They will carry on emotional affairs...where they'll fall in love and experience emotional intimacy with a men, while never taking it to the physical level. It's these type of affairs that can continue on for years, without ever being detected, and often leaving a wake of destruction in their path. So basically if a man isn't giving them the attention they want they go and find it somewhere else. Honestly I feel that this makes men look like the bad guys. I feel that this is saying that men cheat and are also responsible for women cheating but sadly it makes sense. First I'll tackle the mens' side then the womens'. Okay, I understand that it is a biological instinct to spread our seed that drives us but we are not animals but we have certain parts of our personality called the ego and superego which separates us from the animals and controls our animalistic needs. There are other biological factors that affect other animals but we can control why can't the need to spread our seeds and dominate be one of them. If you find that sex is becoming a routine why don't you communicate with your partner and spice it up a lil, do something different for once that isn't part of your routine so it feels new and you don't feel the need to get that brand new feeling from someone else. Now I find the woman's aspect of cheating to be easier to tackle. COMMUNICATION!!!!!!! If you feel your partner is not giving you the attention you need then communicate that fact to then. maybe they don't notice that or maybe they have a lot going on with themselves but communication is key. If he's still not giving you the attention you need then drop the dude and find someone who will appreciate you and what you have to offer rather than cheat on him. If he is giving you attention but it's still not satisfying you then maybe you need to re-evaluate yourself. All in all cheating does not need to happen and we owe it to ourselves and our partners to see that it ends.


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