Clearing My Mind

If I don't let it out I'm just gonna scream!!!!!

Unrequited Affection

You'd think I'd learn my lesson, not to go back to or chase after girls that have rejected you. Why do I continue you to cling to hope that maybe things might change. I need to understand that she turned you down once and that's her loss. There are better and more appreciating girls out there. I been stuck on this one girl on and off for almost a year now and I really need to let her go or else the damage is gonna be beyond repair. I just continue to this; hold on and refuse to move forward. If she doesn't appreciate who I am the first time around what are the chances that she'll learn. I'm missing out on so many opportunities by holding on. I should just continue to be that good friend and and find that girl who appreciates a good man. So why do we keep holding on when we know that it's not gonna work out?

Light Chocolate V.S. Dark Chocolate

This has been on my mind for many years. Does it look bad on my part that I'm mostly attracted to lightskinned girl. It's not something I think i can even control. I've been attracted to lightskinned girls for as long as i can remember. My first crush when I was just seven was lightskin and most of the girls I've liked or gone out with have been lightskinned. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying Darkskinned girls are ugly cause there have been a few darkskinned girls that I've liked through the ages but I constantly find myself instantly attracted to a girl whose lightskinned. Well it could be worse, I could be only attracted to white girls. I think this is a male psychological thing. If I remember anything from Psych class, men look in for in partners genes that they wish to pass on to their offspring, while women look for security hence why men care more about looks than women. So what do y'all think

Birthdate Deciding Personality

Has lots of extraordinary ideas. Difficult to fathom. Think forward. Unique. Brilliant. Sharp thinking. Fine, strong clairvoyance. make good doctors. Dynamic. Secretive. Inquisitive. Know how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative. amiable. Brave. generous. Patient. Stubborn. hardhearted. Determined. Never quit. Hardly become angry unless provoked. Love to be alone. Think differently. Sharp-minded. Motivate self. Doesn't appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built, tough. Deep love, emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest. Keeps secrets. Cant control emotions. Unpredictable.

The thing that is so shocking is that this describes me to the T. This is definitely my personality minus the patience part, I am rather impatience. So my question is, does ones date of birth decide their personality. I've met so many people in my lifetime whose personalities are for the most part what their astrological signs say they should be. Do you really believe in all this?

Aries - (March 21 - April 19) Freedom-loving, assertive, individualistic, pioneering, leader, action-oriented, fiery, straightforward, passionate, powerful. Can be extreme, arrogant, intemperate, violent, headstrong, impulsive.

Taurus - (April 20 - May 20) Resourceful, thorough, devoted, patient, sensual, affectionate, cautious, musical, artistic, solid, earthy, strong, sturdy, kind. Can be slow, possessive, boring, stubborn, indulgent.

Gemini - (May 21 - June 20) Logical, inquisitive, lively, active, curious, multi-tasking, talkative, sociable, charismatic, generous, duality, mercurial, whimsical. Can be superficial, fickle, inconstant, restless, impulsive, headstrong, stubborn.

Cancer - (June 21 - July 22) Protective, sensitive, tenacious, family and home oriented, helpful, nurturing, watery, emotional, loving. Can be crabby, clinging, moody, worrying, pessimistic.

Leo - (July 23 - August 22) Generous, proud, theatrical, passionate, sunny, bright, kingly, powerful, loves attention, dramatic, independent, noble, creative, leader. Can be arrogant, bossy, boastful, egotistic, snobbish.

Virgo - (August 23 - September 22) Practical, imaginative, creative, efficient, critical, work and service oriented, common sense, modest, health conscious, mentally active, helpful, flexible. Can be pedantic, fussy, over-critical, worrying, over fastidious.

Libra - (September 23 - October 23) Co-operative, diplomatic, urbane, fair, needs partnerships, refined, balanced, graceful, charming, debative, just, open-minded, social. Can be lazy, indecisive, rationalizing.

Scorpio - (October 24 - November 22) Passionate, secretive, powerful, keenly perceptive, deep, leader, complex, analytical, inquisitive, resourceful, magnetic, intense, hypnotic, sexual, perspicacious, creative, vigorous, untameable, ambitious. Can be jealous, controlling, possessive, deceitful, cruel, arrogant, selfish.

Sagittarius - (November 23 - December 21) Freedom loving, straightforward, relaxed, extrovert, philosophical, intellectual, fun-loving, adventurous, expansive, optimistic. Can be blundering, scattered, careless, too-serious, arrogant, tactless.

Capricorn - (December 22 - January 19) Prudent, cautious, patient, methodical, practical, reserved, ambitious, authoritative, competent. Can be saturnine, suspicious, rigid, cunning, over-cautious, pessimistic.

Aquarius - (January 20 - February 19) Intuitive, unconventional, intellectual, egliaterian, detached, friendship oriented, independent, humanitarian, cause-oriented, believes in the group/society, progressive, sophisticated, trend setting,opinionated, devoted to goals. Can be eccentric, elitist, dogmatic, aloof.

Pisces - (February 20 - March 20) Imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, feeling, idealistic, spiritual, accepting, undiscriminating, creative, mystic, self-sacrificing, artistic. Can be impractical, neglectful, escapist, lazy, distracted.

Nice Guy Complex

Nice guys don't get many dates, because they feel more comfortable going out with a woman who already expresses an interest in them. There's any number of nice guys in the world, and most of them are content to be that way. However, some nice guys develop a psychological defense mechanism about their lack of dates, and this is the beginning of the nice guy complex.
A man suffering the nice guy complex begins by looking around and seeing everyone else going out with more women than he is. (Often they get this idea from television rather than their friends.) He concludes that this is only because he's a nice guy, and he doesn't prey on women aggressively like everyone else obviously does. After all, doesn't everyone know nice guys finish last?
In reality, he may not be expressing his interests in those women to whom he's attracted, or he may be so focused on one particular woman that he refuses to consider other women at all. Perhaps he's not really the nice guy he thinks he is, and all the other women are put off by the personality they see in him. Or perhaps he's simply dull and boring. ("No way, not me”)
It's this gradual obsession with the guy's own niceness being the reason he's unattached that creates the nice guy complex. This may become harmful, if the nice guy allows his ego to become inflated over how nice he really is, thus making him "not-so-nice-after-all".
Whether it does or doesn't, though, it's generally crippling to the guy's social life. The guy believes he has no redeeming qualities that would attract women, other than his own niceness. Eventually he may stop trying to be attractive at all, either in looks, interests, or attitude, thinking that niceness ought to be enough, and "Shouldn't a woman love me just for who I am?"
The best treatment for the nice guy complex is self-improvement. An exercise program, art classes, dance lessons, or learning to cook are all great beginnings. The idea is to develop something that will help the guy be proud of himself, so that he doesn't have to dwell on his niceness as his primary redeeming feature. The idea is to progress from being merely a nice guy into an actual gentleman.
The irony, of course, is that developing any of these talents may attract a woman to him who will tell him, some day, that the thing she always loved about him is what a nice guy he is. Guys, don't believe her if this happens. All women love nice guys, but that's the last thing she really learns about you; what impressed her is the way you could dance or possibly the way you draw.

Domestic Abuse is a No-No, Rih Rih V.S. Chris Breezy

So as everyone knows Chris Brown "allegedly", beat down his girlfriend Rihanna. Personally I hope they rape his ass in prison due to my personal dislike of Chris Brown but I'm even more angered at that my dude went in on her. Okay if she was attacking him and he got a few hits in to chill her out okay but he seriously went in. And then we find out that this isn't the first time. That's he's been beating her for some time. She is so stupid for going back to him. Plus they're engaged. Even Oprah says she neeeds to leave him. You know when Oprah opens her mouth it's serious. Personally I have never lifted my hand to a woman I was not related to mostly because I havent been put int hat situation because I respect women too much. The only reason Chris Brown would ahve had to go in like that is if the Herpes rumor was true. Then I'd just be surprised he didn't kill her. But anywhoo, 1 in 4 women are victims of domestic abuse at some point in their life. ANd the problem is that these women are not reporting it, or continue to stay in relationships with their abusers. Abuse victims will leave out of either fear, anger or resentment, But then, after the fear, anger or resentment begins to subside, they feel guilt, shame, anxiety, and that takes them back. After a violent episode the abuser goes through the I'm sorry, I love you, it'll never happen again stage and most of the time the women are quick to take them back possibly out of fear of independent, don't know how to take care of themselves or don't want to face shame from friends and family. But please ladies, don't let any man put their hands on you no matter how much they say they love you, If that were true then they would not touch you in such a manner. One kick is all you need to take them down and leave their ass forever.

Secret Admirer

Don't you sometimes wish that life was like a movie. I'm not talking about actiony, or sci-fi-ish, I'm talking a real down to earth romance movie, or at least a romantic comedy where the nice-guy wins by being the most sincere and thoughtful out of all the dickheads. The one where everything plays out the way you expect it. The one where you see every cliche imaginable (See The Notebook). I'm talking College Romance: The Movie:

Boy meets Girl. Boy and girl are from completely different world. Boy asks girl out anyway. Boy and girl fall in love. Girls parents don't approve of relationship. Boy and girl have huge fight. Girl leaves. Boy and girl can't stop thinking about eachother but continue to live their lives. Girl meets someone new but still can't get Boy out of head so heads back to get closer. Boy and girl argue again. Boy and girl have hot passionate sex. Girl can't believe she made that mistake. Girl leaves tries to move on with new guy but can't move on because she still loves boy. So she heads back and they live happily ever after.

But of course we live in the real world where most guys are dicks, most girls think that nice guys don't exist so they go out with the dicks thinking that they can convert them. Nice guys are left out in the cold because the girls don't know what they want when all along the guy they've been looking for has been next to them the whole time.

Song of The Moment: Secret Admirer - Pitbull featuring lloyd

Girl you should know that
(girl you should know)
I've got you on my mind
Your secret admirer
Girl I've been watchin you (you, you)
Can't get enough of (you, you)
Can't get enough of (you, you)
Can't get enough of you

At night I think of you
I want to be your lover baby
So if you need some love,
give me a call boo
I can be the one, to come and freak you

Girl on the brain

Okay, typical Edride: I look into her eyes, she smiles, and I'm trapped. Why am i such a sucker for nice eyes, and a cute smile. Uggggghhh, I hate myself. So I'm on that I like someone tip again. I thought she was cute when I first saw here and then she smiled at me and I was hooked. I jsut love this girls personality. It's jsut so random and amazing. I wanna pull out all the stops but I don't wanna be in the same boat I'm always in. uuuggghhhhh, damn you girlz. But anywho yeah, like i said cute smile, nice eyes, random personality, nice body, and when we dance OMG I'm in love (lol, let me stop). But really this girl is a TTP as far as I'm concerned. "SO many people think they got it but they don't have a clue you gotta have more than just a body for me to be talking bout you" (TTP - Usher). I don't know how to take the approach on this one. I'm tired of being hurt and being alone. I can't change my nice boy ways. This is who I am but not what girls want. Why must they be so complicated.