Clearing My Mind

If I don't let it out I'm just gonna scream!!!!!

Chronicles of a High Guy Vol 1 Chapter 1

Okay I've just thought of a great idea. Seeing that a lot of deep thinking goes on while one is high, I'm going to post up some of my thoughts and actions while I am high. As you may or may not know I have started dabbling into the world of brownies and have found the effects interesting if not strong at times but anyways back to the whole point of this.....As I was saying I will be posting up whatever it is I'm typing, thinking, or doing while i am Hi and posting it up here whether they are finished or here is the first post of Chronicles of a High Guy this is a short one but still.....Enjoy!!!!!!!

"Big Girls Don't Cry

Nothing breaks my heart more than to see a girl cry especially a beautiful one. So imagine how I felt when the saw the girl who a lot of the guys consider to be the baddest girl at Post (right now) crying. Sure it may have been for a stupid reason like.....(crying because upset that you've drank to the point where you're throwing up and you're embarrassed)...but she was crying none the less and she was vulnerable and it just broke my heart. I don't know why, but I have tended to view girls as being these precious thing that needed to be taken care of be made happy so to see one unhappy it bothers me because they don't deserve to be feeling that way"

Growing up is hard to do

So earlier today I'm on facebook and I see my old elementary school crush has posted up a link on her myspace linking to some guys myspace who happens to be a fan and apparently he's used one of her pics as his layout out so I'm like ok.....let me check this out......Imagine to my surprise when the page loaded and I saw a full page spread of her sanz clothing. First of all never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would ever see this girl naked. It was so much of a shock that I really didn't know what to do with that information. So I do a little internet searching and i find out that she's a fetish model. First there's the 21 year old mature part of me that finds the pictures rather pleasing (toned down exactly how the pic made me feel) but there was still the part of me that remembered the girl that I slipped, tripped, and busted my lip for. The first girl that I ever had any kind of infatuation for and a dude was only seven at the time and the crush lasted til I ws probably fourteen. The girl who basically set the bar for every other girl who came afterwards. Honestly if you saw this girl you would basically see the connection with every other girl that came afterwards. So I'm like torn cause the adult in me is hype that he came across this works while the kid in me is crushed. I know it's a little irrational, you know people grow, people change but it's just that it hit me like a ton of bricks. Honestly this is gonna seem so wrong of me but I think I've fallen in love all over again, well not really love since you know how i feel about that word but.....yo i can't explain it, I think she's gonna be on my mind for a good few days....I didn't think anyone could top Lauren London in my mind......I guess i was wrong.